Tri-County Builders donates materials and time to build a new sand box at Country Elementary School in Pinckney.

In the Spring of 2022, Casie Childs of Tri-County Builders was sitting in as a volunteer member of a Country Elementary School PTO meeting. Under discussion was the urgent need to replace the sandbox used by students at Country Elementary.  “The sandbox had literally turned into a pit” recalls Childs who has nine-year-old Sawyer in the third grade and four-year-old Scout in preschool.


Anxious to improve the playing conditions for all members of Country Elementary, Casie, and husband Chris and the team from Tri-County Builders designed and built a 12’ x 16’ covered sandbox in just a week’s time. The kids were playing and enjoying the sandbox that August.


Now up to ten children can play at the same time in the womanized wood structure with a metal-covered roof. This sandbox is built to last for generations of children.


All of the labor and the majority of the materials were donated by Tri-County Builders.


As a special footnote, there was a need to replenish the sand by the Fall of 2022 so Tri-County returned and replenished the sandbox with a fresh five yards of sand.  All of this was donated by Tri-County Builders.

Tri-County Owner volunteers time on special apprenticeship adult trade school.

In Ann Arbor and across Washtenaw County, the BRAG (Builders& Remodelers Association of Greater Ann Arbor) has had ongoing discussions with plans to implement an apprenticeship trade school for adult continuing education


Driving these discussions has been the urgent need to develop home building tradesman who have the skills to build and construct residential and commercial projects across the area.


Mark B. Valchive, the home building instructor at Skyline High School is taking the lead in these discussions to develop this apprenticeship program.


Chris Childs of Tri-County Builders is volunteering his time to participate in these discussions and committee work. This post will be updated as progress takes place on the implementation of this project.